The people's currency for daily use The people's currency for daily use

eCredits is the daily-use crypto that rewards Consumers and Merchants and empowers local economies.


The eWallet App The wallet app that can do it all

eWallet App for Consumers
Turn your smartphone into a digital wallet. Find deals, make transactions and get your latest account overview.
eWallet App for Merchants
Get an overview of your transactions and review your business page to attract customers.

eCredits benefits: advanced, rewarding, and supportive

eCredits Subscription Plans 

Maximize your eCredits experience by choosing the best subscription plan for you. Become a Free, Gold or Platinum Subscriber. Learn more about the subscription plans 

Preparing the General Assembly of The People's SCE 

We invite all Members of The People’s SCE to access the agenda in the Governance section of the eCredits Portal. This will provide you with valuable insight into the important topics and decisions to be made at the General Assembly on the 22nd of June 2023.