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By eVaulting, you free yourself from the cycle of traditional 'savings' accounts, help build the new economy for the people and get rewarded for it.

Benefits of eVault eVault your ECS and claim your rewards.

eVault Rewards

eVault in three easy steps

Step 01: Create your eVaulting Plan

Click the eVault tab in your eCredits Wallet App. There, you can begin creating your eVaulting plan. Choose your desired eVaulting amount of ECS funds and confirm.

Step 02: Sign a Smart Contract

Lock your ECS in a Smart Contract within the App for maximum safety and transparency for your invested funds. Sign the transaction, and your ECS are now eVaulted for one year.

Step 03: Collect Rewards

From this point onwards, your eVaulted ECS will be generating rewards according to your subscription status throughout the locking period. You can track them in real-time and claim them at your convenience.

Start eVaulting - everything you need is in the eCredits Wallet App

Overview of eVaulting activity
See all your current and past eVaulting activity, access the eVault transaction history, track and claim rewards in real time.
eVault your ECS
Transfer ECS to your eVault and start eVaulting.
eVaulting Details
Your eVaulted amount of ECS, the locking period timeline, claimed rewards and claimable rewards will be shown in real time.

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